Sunday, May 11, 2008


probably the first word or common word most people would have say in meeting people...frankly i dont know how to begin..i had what people called "writers block"
so 'hi',as a my greeting for you.....& let us begin the endless journey on the never ending dry white dessert..its so empty & spotless,not even a dimension or a thin fine line to create a horizon & separate the nothingness..its so empty that its driving you crazy,youre hoping to find doodles or single spot on the ground..ure trapped..ure going insane no way out & you're gasping for air..

that's how i explain writers block.but wasnt that bad..

so after i created this blog..i spend almost 15minutes thinking in my head what to write while my eyes watching the TV..then i realised,why cant i just write what i want & just be spontaneous.because its about what you think..and what if u made some mistake,its part of learning..beside how many people will read this anyway..only you,me & some of the people i know..but really it doesnt really matter..really,its just a hobby..

    just now..i was trying to stop teha (my baby sis) from torturing a small weak & helpless lovable baby kitten by trying to put it inside a cabinet.dont worry, i come to the rescue just in time..then there she goes again crying & demurred..expressing her anger by grunting like a its 'pujuk time' i gave her mentos..that what im eating now..its berry's a tip,its a substitute for breathmint,its sweeter better.

..ok back to my first bla bla bla something about being spontaneous....about what you think in particular subject or matter,giving your opinion,asking for opinion,you can talk about your interest,your daily basicly blog is about sharing stuff & information with is kinda narcissistic if you asked me..because its about you & about what you think all the words come from your heart & your mind..its about what you want people to know.after you publish it you derived a total satisfaction,you want everyone to read it,you want people to be impressed by all your writings..yes and people,make sure u read till the very last part!

well that's what i think.For me,blog-ing is the best way for me to improve my writing & communication skill in english.i know i dont have the best skill,im not an english literature scholar from some university using larger than life words that u need to google it on the net to find the definition,well actually its not really like that but u'll get the it is important just to be yourself..everyone have their own writing my future posts,i will write in english or malay..maybe mixed(manglish) every other post,sebab saya warganegara Malaysia..bahasa jiwa bangsa..& English is the world language.So....beside than that,i learn how to be bold,more confident,wiser,but now im still in the process of that..

   im a bit distracted right now..'courage the cowardly dog' is on tv..(i love the simplicity of the graphic story & character,its not the best animation,but it still hillarious thats why i like it..especially the part when eustace saying the usual 'stupid dog' line)

till next time,i think i wont be busy this few weeks,big chances that i will write a new post again..maybe tomorrow!...anyway,my boyfriend suggest me to create a my days would be more interesting..because he thinks that im living in a boring life & i should get a hobby.
thank you.

class just started..cant wait!! super excited!!

big mmmwaahhhh for si 'gemuuk'.u know who u are.lots of love..

im startin to miss u again..

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